Asana and Pranayama tips

Asana - Pranayama Meditation

Asana & pranayama tips accompany us in our daily life. If you don´t move properly you can´t breath properly. Body movement with consciousness is fundamental to leverage and avoid injuries and to help our respiratory system to perform at its best. I hope they are useful to you! Happy reading and practice. 

Master your Breathwork Techniques in 2023: Pranayama techniques to improve your breathe

During my classes or online session from home or at Memmo Baleeira, i teach Asana to client. I suppo...

29 May 2023

yogataio at memmo baleeira sagres
How to practice Pranayama & Meditation in 2023: the ultimate observation

OBSERVATION🤓 Pranayama & Meditation have  strong element in common: Observation.  B...

24 May 2023

How do you do Breathwork Practice: open chest and hip as a support of your breathwork practice

Why Breathwork practice reinforce chest muscles and help stretching hips Exercises to open your ches...

20 May 2023

Yogataio support and balance
Yoga practice fundamental 2023: what does it means at ease

😇There are some Yoga practice fundamentals that need to be acquired along with your yoga practice...

20 May 2023

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2h of Asana , Meditation and/or Breathwork